Sanjay Lamba

Ph.D. Student

Research problem: biogeochemical nitrogen metabolic pathways

PhD is awarded on Aug., 2017.

Current position: Research Scientist, Tata Institute for Genetics and Society (TIGS), Bengaluru.

Soumen Bera 

Ph.D. Student

Research problem: Nitrogen assimilation and Hyper insulinism/Hyperammonemia (HI/HA) syndrome.

PhD is awarded on July, 2020.

Current position: Postdoc, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA.

Personal website

Mubasher Rashid

Ph.D. Student

Research problem: Nitrate sensing and Signaling by Plants transporter molecules.

PhD awarded on December, 2020.

Current position: DST Inspire Faculty, IIT Kanpur.

Personal website

Nitesh Kumawat

PhD Student

Research Problem: Protein Design and Reconstruction

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